FY24, spanning July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024, marked the first year of implementation of the second DDP strategy cycle, DDP 2.0. The Partnership’s nascent portfolio consisted, as of June 30, 2024...
This note is designed to be read alongside the companion policy note on electronic signatures, which explains the role of PKI in implementing cryptographically secured digital signatures within a national...
Trust lies at the foundation of all commercial and administrative transactions, which for centuries have relied upon the handwritten signature for authentication. As transactions are digitalized, the signatures...
The COVID-19 pandemic presented countries with unprecedented challenges this year, spurring widespread shutdowns, school and business closures, and job losses. Countries are facing an unprecedented economic...
In FY23, Digital Development Partnership (DDP) also continued to leverage the World Bank’s substantial convening power to collaborate with a wide range of partners. This included the drafting of the report...
Redevelopment of Lautoka Hospital and Ba Hospital is the first Public Private Partnership (PPP) to be implemented in Fiji. These upgrades represent a major milestone towards the Government of Fiji’s (GoF)...
This study examines the expenditure by Caribbean Community (CARICOM) countries on the delivery of Essential Public Health Services (EPHS), in the context of the global response to COVID-19. In particular...
This report discusses the importance of pharmacovigilance (PV) in contributing to building up resilient health systems. It is based on and summarizes the findings of a review of available literature on...
Medicines, vaccines, medical devices, and blood are commonly used to treat disease. Medicines deserve a special focus because almost any medical visit ends with at least one prescription. So, monitoring...
This report reviews the pharmacovigilance system of the European Union (EU) mapping out its structure and processes with any eye to features that may be of particular interest to decision makers in other...
The Spanish System of Pharmacovigilance (SSPV) started its activities almost 40 years ago, in 1985. Of particular interest to others considering various options for developing pharmacovigilance systems...
Building capacity in countries to conduct thorough surveillance of the use of all newly authorized drugs and vaccines, both brand name and generic, is a critical “public good” investment to ensure that...
Although indispensable for improving health outcomes, medicines and vaccines or their administration and use can produce adverse effects, requiring continuous vigilance to ensure that the benefits outweigh...
The response of the government of the Republic of Korea to COVID-19 has been heralded as among the most successful. In the first two years of the pandemic, the government was able to keep the size of the...
The ability to oversee and monitor the use of all newly authorized drugs and vaccines, both brand name and generic, is critical to ensure that they work correctly and that their health benefits outweigh...
This report focuses on the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA), one of the three multi-national public health agencies in the world, that commenced operations on Jan 1, 2013, with the aim of delivering...
This note presents a multisectoral examination of the national and provincial landscapes for ECD in Pakistan. It explains the critical importance of improving investments and services for young children...
Malnutrition is one of Pakistan’s biggest development challenges, with long-term implications for human capital development and economic growth. The proportions of young children stunted (40 percent)...
Pakistan faces a human capital crisis. Its population, three-quarters of which is under the age of 35, has very recent memories of failures in the schooling system and in health services. Federal and provincial...
The policy note builds on the relationship between human capital and labor market outcomes for the poor and reviews some of the few programs currently active for ad dressing the needs of the poor. It describes...