Improving domestic revenue mobilization extremely important for Zimbabwe to create the fiscal space to absorb quasi-fiscal expenditures and support macroeconomic stability. In November 2023, Zimbabwe announced...
This paper uses a multi-methodological approach to measure the fiscal costs of monetary and exchange rate policy distortions in Zimbabwe. It identifies three channels through which these policy distortions...
This note describes the effort to conduct a multidimensional rigorous impact evaluation of the Bus Rapid Transit pilot Project and the Regional Express Train in Dakar, Senegal. This note is focused on...
2023 年对 SBFN 衡量框架的更新充分考虑了成员的优先事项和可持续金融的全球趋势。它涵盖了整个金融部门生态系统(包括银行、资本市场、保险和养老基金)的发展,反映了 SBFN 成员的多样性。它引入了新的优先事项,例如自然相关风险、包容性金融以及对应国际良好实践和标准制定的气候风险新指标。更新后的框架也力求通过量化指标衡量可持续金融的实施情况。
La version 2023 du cadre de mesure du SBFN tient compte des priorités des membres et des tendances mondiales en matière de finance durable. Elle reflète la diversité croissante des membres du SBFN en tenant...
La actualización de 2023 del Marco de Medición SBFN se diseñó de acuerdo con las prioridades de losmiembros y las tendencias mundiales en materia de finanzas sostenibles. Refleja la diversificación de...
A atualização de 2023 da Estrutura de Medição da SBFN foi orientada pelas prioridades dos membros e pelas tendências globais em finanças sustentáveis. Ela reflete a diversificação dos membros da SBFN...
This report, "Water Security and Climate Change: Insights from Country Climate and Development Reports," examines the crucial role of water in addressing climate change, drawing insights from the World...
Bangladesh is warming at an alarming rate, the maximum temperature increased by 1.1°C between 1980 and 2023. At the same time, the heat index, or feels like temperature (which combines humidity and temperature...
As global efforts to build emergency-ready health systems intensify, the "Strategic Investment for Health System Resilience: A Three-Layer Framework" offers a practical investment framework and diverse...
This is a statement by H.E. Katsunobu Kato at the 110th Meeting of the Development Committee held on October 25, 2024. Japan conveys its deepest condolences to the victims and their families severely affected...
This is a statement by Fernando Haddad regarding the 110th Meeting of the Development Committee, held on October 25, 2024. He addressed urgent global challenges stemming from crises that have heightened...