This Factsheet provides an overview of the finance, competitiveness and innovation sector in Portugal according to key performance indicators.
This Factsheet provides an overview of the Justice sector in Portugal according to key performance indicators.
Factsheet provides an overview of the gender sector in Portugal according to key performance indicators.
This Factsheet provides an overview of the tourism sector in Portugal according to key performance indicators.
This brief showcases the gender landscape in Portugal on key indicators helpful for monitoring gender equality and designing effective policy interventions. Gender equality fosters productivity gains...
In 2019, IFC and SOFID, the Portuguese development finance institution, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to support sustainable tourism investments in emerging markets as an engine for growth...
All children should be able to read by age 10. Reading is a gateway for learning as the child progresses through school - and conversely, an inability to read constrains opportunities for further learning...
This World Bank report is conceived as an external input that will enable the State Secretariat of Environment (SSE) of the Government of Portugal (GoP) to enhance the implementation of strategic plan...
The objective of the study executed under the trust fund is to improve performance of strategic plan for water supply and wastewater (plano estrategico de abastecimento de agua e de saneamento de aguas...
The objective of work executed under the fund are to improve performance of strategic plan for water supply and wastewater (plano estrategico de abastecimento de agua e de saneamento de aguas residuais)...
The objective of the work to be executed under the fund was to improve performance of strategic plan for water supply and wastewater (plano estrategico de abastecimento de agua e de saneamento de aguas...
Doing business 2020 is the 17th in a series of annual studies investigating the regulations that enhance business activity and those that constrain it. Doing business presents quantitative indicators on...
Sixteenth in a series of annual reports comparing business regulation in 190 economies, Doing Business 2019 covers 11 areas of business regulation. Ten of these areas - starting a business, dealing with...
Doing Business 2018 is the 15th in a series of annual reports investigating the regulations that enhance business activity and those that constrain it. This economy profile presents the Doing Business...