Este estudo examina o impacto do deslocamento forçado no desenvolvimento econômico e nas dinâmicas políticas dos países de origem usando a Venezuela como estudo de caso. Entre 2014 e 2019, mais de 8 milhões...
La présente étude examine l’impact des déplacements forcés sur le développement économique et les dynamiques politiques dans les pays d’origine en utilisant le Venezuela comme cas type. Plus de huit millions...
En este estudio se examina el impacto del desplazamiento forzado en el desarrollo económico y la dinámica política de los países de origen, utilizando a la República Bolivariana de Venezuela como estudio...
This Brief shows key findings from the paper "Forced Displacement, the Perpetuation of Autocratic Leadership, and Development in Origin Countries", which examines the impact of forced displacement on economic...
How does forced displacement shape development in origin countries? This article examines the case of Venezuela, where nearly eight million people have been forcibly displaced. To do this, it compares...
This Factsheet provides an overview of the finance, competitiveness and innovation sector in Venezuela, Republica Bolivariana de according to key performance indicators.
This Factsheet provides an overview of the justice sector in Venezuela, RB according to key performance indicators.
This Factsheet provides an overview of the gender sector in Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela according to key performance indicators.
This Factsheet provides an overview of the tourism sector in Venezuela, RB according to key performance indicators.
This briefing showcases the gender landscape in Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela on key indicators helpful for monitoring gender equality and designing effective policy interventions. Gender equality fosters...
About a third of the 7.7 million Venezuelans who have left their country due to political and economic turmoil have settled in neighboring Colombia. The extent to which the Colombian schooling system can...
Forced displacement is a global development issue. It is estimated that by early 2021, there were more than 110 million displaced people, of whom 41% are children under the age of 18. One of the main obstacles...
El desplazamiento forzado es un problema de desarrollo global. Se estima que para inicios del 2021 más de 110 millones de personas han sido desplazadas en el mundo, de las cuales 41% son niños menores...
This study assesses if nudges in the form of informational videos sent via WhatsApp are effective in boosting take-up rates among vulnerable populations, specifically in the context of a regularization...
How do policies that ease the integration of immigrants shape their fertility decisions? This paper uses a panel survey of undocumented Venezuelan migrants in Colombia to compare the fertility decisions...
How does easing the economic integration of forced migrants affect native voting behaviors in the Global South? This paper assesses how the regularization of half a million Venezuelan forced migrants affected...
How can regularization programs improve forced migrants’ resilience to shocks? This paper leverages panel data collected during the COVID-19 pandemic to assess whether Venezuelan forced migrants who were...
How do crises shape native attitudes towards migrants? A common threat could pro-duce an empathy channel among natives, but the perception of competition for scarce economic resources could just as easily...
What are the preferred policy responses of host country residents to large migration inflows, and to what extent are these preferences driven by contact with migrants as well as values such as humanitarianism?...
Venezuela is currently experiencing the biggest crisis in its recent history. This has led to a large increase in emigration. According to recent estimates, there are a total of 5.6 million Venezuelan...