This is a project impact evaluation of the First Smallholder Agricultural Credit Project in Kenya. The project financed on-lending activities by the Agricultural Finance Corporation (AFC) in the smallholder...
The Smallholder Agricultural Credit Project for Kenya was marginally satisfactory. The project achieved some of its objectives, its impact on institutional development was significant, sustainability is...
This press release announces the IDA has approved two credits totaling the equivalent of Eight Million Nine Hundred Thousand Dollars to Kenya on May 10, 1967. The credits will be used to help finance two...
The project is part of a program to promote agricultural development in Kenya. It would provide credit for on-farm development and husbandry improvement to about 8,000 selected smallholders on an area...
The project is part of a program to promote agricultural development in Kenya. It would provide credit for on-farm development and husbandry improvement to about 8,000 selected smallholders on an area...