This report covers two projects and ratings for each are as follows: Kenya Agricultural Productivity Project - Outcome was moderately satisfactory, Risk to development outcome was high, Bank performance...
This press release announces that the World Bank has approved eighty-two million US Dollars to enable Kenya’s small holder farmers to increase farm productivity and to promote agribusiness development...
The development objective of the Agricultural Productivity and Agribusiness Project for Kenya is to increase agricultural productivity and incomes of participating smallholder farmers in the project area...
The objective of the Agriculture Productivity and Agribusiness Project (KAPAP) for Kenya is to empower stakeholders to transform smallholder agricultural production and marketing systems for increased...
The objective of the Agriculture Productivity and Agribusiness Project (KAPAP) for Kenya is to empower stakeholders to transform smallholder agricultural production and marketing systems for increased...
The objective of the Agriculture Productivity and Agribusiness Project (KAPAP) for Kenya is to empower stakeholders to transform smallholder agricultural production and marketing systems for increased...