Ratings for the Horn of Africa Emergency Health and Nutrition Project for Africa were as follows: outcomes were satisfactory; risk to development outcome was high; Bank performance was satisfactory and...
This Results Profile talks about the support to refugee camps in Kenya and Ethiopia. The Horn of Africa was experiencing the most severe food crisis in the world. As a result of the drought-induced food...
This Results Profile talks about the support to refugee camps in Kenya and Ethiopia. The Horn of Africa was experiencing the most severe food crisis in the world. As a result of the drought-induced food...
This Results Profile talks about the support to refugee camps in Kenya and Ethiopia. The Horn of Africa was experiencing the most severe food crisis in the world. As a result of the drought-induced food...
This Results Profile talks about the support to refugee camps in Kenya and Ethiopia. The Horn of Africa was experiencing the most severe food crisis in the world. As a result of the drought-induced food...
This Results Profile talks about the support to refugee camps in Kenya and Ethiopia. The Horn of Africa was experiencing the most severe food crisis in the world. As a result of the drought-induced food...
The Executive Directors considered the President's Memorandum and Recommendation on the IDA Crisis Response Window Support for the Horn of Africa Drought Emergency Project and approved: (i) an allocation...
The Executive Directors approved a grant in the amount of US$ 30 million to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in support of the Horn of Africa Emergency Health and Nutrition Project...
The development objective of the Horn of Africa Emergency Health and Nutrition Project is to support the emergency response in targeted refugee camps, in Kenya and Ethiopia, by expanding implementation...