This study assesses the extent to which public financial management (PFM) in Malawi supports health service provision at the local government level. Using a conceptual framework that links the budget cycle...
Health outcomes in Malawi have improved significantly, largely due to improvements in access and quality. Despite adverse macro-fiscal conditions, fiduciary concerns, and donors shifting funding toward...
Over the past two decades, Malawi has made remarkable progress in improving maternal and child health, as well as nutrition outcomes. The Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic can reverse the gains...
Malawi’s economic growth has been low and volatile for the past two decades, leading to stagnating high poverty levels. The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic will negatively affected economic growth leading...
This is the second and last module of a programmatic Public Expenditure Review (PER). The programmatic PER is intended to support the Government of Malawi to analyze: 1) fiscal risks and sustainability;...