Interventions that are robust, cost effective, and scalable are in critical demand throughout South Asia to offset growing water scarcity and avert increasingly frequent water-related disasters. This case...
The majority of Northeast Brazil falls within the semi-arid zone, an area that is defined by both a minimal amount of annual rainfall (i.e., 800 millimeters per year on average) and a concentration of...
The objectives of the Anhui Yellow Mountain New Countryside Demonstration Project for China are to: (i) submit Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the project to the environmental protection departments...
The objective of the National Horticulture and Livestock Project (NHLP) is to promote adoption of improved production practices by target farmers, with gradual national establishment of farmer-centric...
This report presents the impact and lessons learned from the Andhra Pradesh Drought Adaptation Initiative (APDAI). The APDAI was implemented as a package of pilot activities in two dryland districts in...
Mongolia is currently witnessing unprecedented levels of economic growth, in large part driven by growth in the mining, oil, and gas industries. Especially, the southern frontier region of Mongolia is...
The Oum Er Rbia Irrigated Agriculture Modernization Project of Morocco aims to study the environmental impacts of the proposed modernization of irrigated agriculture in the basin of the Oum Er Rbia and...
To some degree, almost all countries in the world have water resource problems. However, the forms of and solutions to the problem are different in different countries. Over the past several decades, many...
Agriculture is a key element of the Tanzanian economy and is highly dependent on water resources. International Development Association's (IDA's) river basin management and smallholder irrigation project...
Agriculture is a key element of the Tanzanian economy and is highly dependent on water resources. International Development Association's (IDA's) river basin management and smallholder irrigation project...
The drought-prone interior of Maharashtra state is especially dependent on groundwater resources for both rural drinking water-supply and for subsistence and commercial irrigated agriculture. Despite generally...
The objective of this study is to raise awareness and understanding of exposure and vulnerability to drought in Central Asian countries and the Caucasus and to introduce a strategic, pro-active framework...