This Railway Reform Toolkit aims to provide an easy-to-use resource on the rail industry and to provide an experience-based set of best practices to aid in the planning and execution of railway reforms...
Ratings for the Education for All Fast-Track Initiative Catalytic Fund Project for Haiti were as follows: outcomes were moderately satisfactory, risk to global environment outcome was substantial, Bank...
While remaining robust, growth in 2015 eased slightly to 7.0 percent, slightly below the 7.1 percent achieved in 2014. The performance of the garment sector improved in 2015, while signs of economic moderation...
The development objective of the Forest Investment Plan Preparation Project for Tunisia to support the preparation of the Recipient’s FIP investment plan. This Project has only one component. 1) The first...
This document is intended as a guide for international developers and solar investors who are considering investing in Pakistan. The document is laid out as follows: Sections 1 to 3 give an overview of...
This study aims to provide policy makers in the region with analysis of the nini issue and options for addressing it in their countries. To do so, the study undertakes a comprehensive diagnosis quantifying...
Madagascar’s economic growth has been slow at 1 percent annually in the last five years and far inferior to sub-Saharan region’s average. Income per capita in 2014 fell to around USD 400 (2005 constant...
The Project Development Objective of the additional financing for the Higher Education Centers of Excellence Project of Africa is to support the Recipients to promote regional specialization among participating...
After decades of turmoil and instability, a period of calm and progress evolved in Guinea-Bissau in 2009. A military coup in April 2012 interrupted it. A fresh start is needed to alter the dynamics that...
It is widely recognized that broadband is of fundamental importance to the social and economic development of a nation. The focus of the paper is on infrastructure-related actions; measures to stimulate...
Different agent networks offer payments and banking services in Peru. Their size and coverage varies, but different design choices have influenced their ability to operate viably in more remote areas of...
The primary and secondary education system in Kazakhstan has accomplished significant achievements. Kazakhstan has embarked on profound reforms to improve the quality of the education system and is increasingly...
Different agent networks offer payments and banking services in Peru. Their size and coverage varies, but different design choices have influenced their ability to operate viably in more remote areas of...
The project development objective of the Sahel Malaria and Neglected Tropical Diseases Project of Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger is to increase delivery and use of harmonized community-level services for...