The World Bank conducted this study of the potential for Open Transport Data in St. Petersburg as part of the preparations for the Improvement of Urban Transport Systems Project in Russia. It is principally...
In this paper on knowledge building environmentally sustainable infrastructure platform the authors state that during the first phase of this initiative, it has worked on the design of the conceptual model...
Over the past decade, some countries of the Middle East and North Africa region have spurred economic growth and improved their global competitiveness by taking the first steps in the direction of the...
Over the past decade, some countries of the Middle East and North Africa region have spurred economic growth and improved their global competitiveness by taking the first steps in the direction of the...
The Committee welcomed both Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) evaluations, which assessed knowledge-based activities in nine country programs selected from 48 knowledge-intensive programs supported by...
A World Bank-supported project in Armenia was successful in developing a control framework that balances the need to increase the transparency and accountability of the country’s state noncommercial organizations...
With some 6 billion mobile subscriptions in use worldwide, around three-quarters of the world's inhabitants now have access to a mobile phone. Mobiles are arguably the most ubiquitous modern technology:...
This manual is the result of the evaluation that was conducted by the World Bank (Bank), both the environmental management system in Mexico, as CONACYT institutional capacities to ensure that projects...
Indonesia has shown an increasing commitment to education over the last decade. Since 2001, spending has doubled in real terms largely as a result of a constitutional requirement obligating the government...
The objectives of the Additional Financing for the Rural Telecommunications Project of Nicaragua are to characterize the households in the communities that benefit from the impact of the Project deployment...
Objectives of the Environmental Assessment of the Additional Financing of the Rural Telecommunications Project of Nicaragua include: 1) to perform environmental assessment of the alternative solution of...
The objective of this Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) is to assess the positive and negative effects of the project on the biophysical, human and socioeconomic environment. It will therefore...
The objectives of this Resettlement Plan (RAP) are to: (i) minimize, to the extent possible, involuntary resettlement and land acquisition, exploring all viable alternative project designs (ii) ensure...
The main objective of the Resettlement Policy Framework for the Additional Financing of the Rural Telecommunications Project of Nicaragua is to minimize land acquisition and displacement of population...
Knowledge exchange, or peer-to-peer learning, is a powerful way to share, replicate, and scale up what works in development. Development practitioners want to learn from the practical experience of others...