The Building Regulatory Capacity Assessment (BRCA) is a methodology to help countries, and cities assess their building and land use regulatory framework and identify opportunities for priority reforms...
Звіт про результати фінансового аудиту гранту Цільового фонду багатьох донорів зі співфінансування Програми Другої позики на політику розвитку у сфері економічного відновлення для України (Угода про грант...
The internationalization of China’s equity markets started in the early 2000s but accelerated after 2012, when Chinese firms’ shares listed in Shanghai and Shenzhen gradually became available to international...
The development objective of the Promoting Access to Finance for Productive Purposes for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprise (MSMEs) for Ecuador is to promote access to finance for productive purposes...
This paper uses a unique dataset with matched information at the firm-bank level covering 13,000 firms and 550 banks in 36 emerging and developing economies over 2012–20. The analysis tests whether government-owned...
Persons with disabilities - a group of one billion - represent a significant share of the world’s population, and a potential market of more than 3.4 billion people when family members and caregivers are...
The size and potential of the untapped banking market for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Intersex (LGBTI) people is significant and growing in importance. Estimates suggest that LGBTI people...
The development objective of the Second Finance for Jobs Project for West Bank and Gaza is to test the effectiveness of selected financial interventions in incentivizing private sector investment and job...
This paper presents a systematic and comprehensive meta-analysis of the literature on financial education interventions that focuses on financial education studies designed to strengthen the financial...
On October 16, 2007, the World Bank Group approved on October 12, a US2.30 million dollars grant to Liberia for the Emergency Senior Executive Service Project. The project, funded by the Trust Fund for...
On May 2, 2007, the seventh annual World Bank carbon market intelligence study, released today at Carbon Expo, shows that the global carbon market tripled in 2006, to US30 billion dollars from US10 billion...
On December 4, 2001, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) Board of Governors adopted resolution number one hundred and ninety nine. It was resolved that, the Board of Governors...
A Corporaao Financeira Internacional (CFI) aprovou um emprÈstimo de US30 milhes dólares empresa brasileira Cambuhy/MC Industrial Ltda., que produz suco de laranja concentrado.
This press release announces that review of audits, carried out in 1976, of some seventy World Bank-financed projects, shows that ninety percent of the Bank's investments had economic returns similar to...
An issue of Belgian franc bonds of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank) is planned for public offering in Belgium on February 28, 1972 by a group of leading Belgian banks.
This transcript, from the session of the Executive Directors of the International Bank on Reconstruction and Development and the International Development Association held on Tuesday, March 12, 1968, covers...