Recent calls on central banks and financial regulators to use the tools at their disposal to help mitigate the negative economic and social impacts of climate policies are based on several false analogies...
This paper surveys existing literature and data to take stock of the current state of banking systems across Sub-Saharan Africa. It documents different dimensions of the development of the banking systems...
This paper analyzes how capital requirements from environmental risk exposure affect bank lending to the corporate sector, and how these effects transmit to real economic activity and greenhouse gas emissions...
This paper investigates whether banks respond differently to supervisory guidance than to specific regulatory action. Using a sample of subsidiaries of European banks operating in developing countries...
Reverse stress tests can be a useful tool to evaluate bank resilience to a credit shock, especially in environments where financial data are limited or opaque. This paper develops a simple and transparent...
Ratings of Financial Sector Support Project for Bangladesh were as follows: outcome was satisfactory, Bank performance was satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation quality was substantial. Some of the...
Ratings of Banking Sector Strengthening Project for Bosnia and Herzegovina were as follows: outcome was satisfactory, Bank performance was highly satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation quality was...
This paper sets out a summary of the survey responses. The survey questionnaire was issued to 179 jurisdictions and this review is focused on geographical groups and country income groups, with 90 complete...
This Handbook was created out of a growing need from companies seeking guidance on how to strengthen internal controls due to the changing complexity of the business landscape and operating environments...