Quality early childhood education improves childhood development outcomes and has long-term implications for school readiness, workforce participation, and economic growth. Despite this, in Pakistan, the...
Despite the impressive progress China made toward expanding access to Early Childhood Education (ECE) over the last 10 years, the remaining access gap at the village level, especially those located in...
Child development is an important lead and lag indicator. Knowing how well children are developing across regions and communities is a way of evaluating what supports have been provided to children in...
Sustaining in recent years expenditure on early childhood education (ECE) at over a fifth of its education budget, Mongolia is a relatively high spender on pre-primary education. This report examines structural...
The Human Opportunity Index (HOI) measures how equitably services are provided within countries. The indicator allows to better monitor if children have access to these opportunities independently of individual...
Despite increases in availability of center based child care and preschool services in Turkey over the last decade, both the supply of services and utilization remain low. There are regional disparities...
Investing in young children is one of the best investments that countries can make. A child’s earliest years present a unique window of opportunity to address inequality, break the cycle of poverty, and...