The affordability of nutritious diets is increasingly used as a metric of how well a food system provides access to nutritious diets for all. Recent work on least-cost diets has focused on individuals...
The introduction of prenatal sex-detection technologies in India has led to a phenomenal increase in abortion of female fetuses. This paper examines the impacts of this on girl relative to boy mortality...
This paper first reviews the performance of the current targeting system and recommends improvements to the existing PMT formula. One implementation issue we identified is the inconsistency in how monetary...
Young children need comprehensive nurturing care which includes good health, adequate nutrition, early learning opportunities, responsive caregiving, and safety and security. Severe, lifelong impacts can...
Mozambique has achieved significant improvements in health outcomes in the last two decades, but results have been uneven, particularly for people in rural areas and the poorest quintiles. In 2017, the...
Access to good-quality jobs is a key lever of change for women, the companies they are associated with, and the communities they live in helping to boost economic growth and reduce poverty. Yet, vast gender...
The development objective of the Improving Early Childhood Development (ECD) in the West Bank and Gaza (WB and G) Project for WB and G is to improve the coverage and quality of targeted ECD services for...
This report documents the challenges and opportunities for implementing the baby-friendly hospital initiative (BFHI) and ten steps to successful breastfeeding (hereinafter called the ten steps) in India...
Promotion of optimal infant and young child feeding (IYCF) practices is a public health intervention to prevent child morbidity, child mortality, and malnutrition. However, working women in urban areas...
Inadequate feeding practices are often a critical driver of poor nutritional outcomes in children.WHO recommends exclusive breastfeeding up to six months of age, after which infants should start receiving...
The state of Nagaland, with a population of two million, is situated in the North-East region of India. The state's topography is hilly with very poor roads and connectivity. The state has 11 districts...
Ratings for the Nutrition Project are as follows: Outcome was satisfactory, Risk to development outcome was moderate, M&E Quality was substantial, Bank performance was moderately satisfactory, and Borrower...
By improving private sector working conditions in developing countries such as Fiji, IFC can help countries support a skilled workforce, drive gender diversity and increase labor force participation among...