Ethiopia faces political, economic, and humanitarian challenges. Support from the international community weakened notably during the two-year conflict in Tigray but is now resuming. Bunching of debt service...
This Debt Sustainability Analysis (DSA) assesses Togo to be at moderate risk of external debt distress and high overall risk of public debt distress - unchanged from the last DSA. Judgement was applied...
Mauritania’s risk of external and overall public debt distress is assessed as “moderate”—unchanged from the previous DSA published in December 2023—with ‘some space’ to absorb shocks. All external and...
Under the updated low-income country debt sustainability framework (LIC DSF), the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) remains at moderate risk of both external and overall debt distress, with some capacity...
This Debt Sustainability Analysis (DSA) updates the analysis conducted at the time of the request for a disbursement under the food shock window of the rapid credit facility (RCF) approved in January 2023...
The voluntary liquidation of the national carrier Air Vanuatu has significantly increased uncertainty around the outlook and fiscal outcomes. The immediate fallout from this development will be on tourism...
Ethiopia faces political, economic, and humanitarian challenges. Support from the international community weakened notably during the two-year conflict in Tigray but is now resuming. Bunching of debt service...
The debt sustainability framework for market access countries has been designed by the International Monetary Fund for all market access countries, a set that includes emerging markets and advanced economies...