This report is part of the “Energy Subsidy Reform in Action” series produced by the ESMAP Energy Subsidy Reform Facility, with the objective of drawing insights from recent experiences and emerging approaches...
Bulgaria still ranks among the EU countries with the highest levels of poverty and inequality. Before 2023, Bulgaria's Social Assistance / Monthly Social Allowance scheme had limited coverage, strict eligibility...
This report takes stock of political economy analysis (PEA) and communications in the context of country-specific technical assistance activities supporting energy subsidy reforms that benefited from financial...
Energy subsidy reforms are, and will continue to be, at the forefront of policy debate in many countries around the world. International experience shows that energy subsidy reforms are a complex undertaking...
This report summarizes the findings of a review aimed at understanding emerging approaches to energy subsidy reform, discerning trends, and identifying major strands of thinking and research in the field...
The report explores modeling approaches, designs, and impacts of CGE modeling exercises carried out for energy subsidy reforms in different country settings. The report reviews approaches used as part...
This study examines which factors influence support for reducing fossil fuel subsidies and what types of information shift people’s views through surveying 37,000 respondents across 12 middle-income countries...
This report aims to contribute to the global knowledge base on energy subsidy reform by exploring how poverty and distributional analyses have been used to support energy subsidy reform efforts. To this...
Growth decelerated more than expected to 1.8 percent in Q2 2023, amid the global trade slowdown. Private consumption remained strong, buoyed by a strong labor market and the gradual tourism recovery. Slowing...
Energy subsidies, which have a long history of use by governments around the world, have been rising in recent years after a brief period of decline. Despite their significant wider costs, subsidies are...
Governments around the world continue to subsidize fossil fuel use, incentivizing unsustainable consumption levels with consequences for the global climate and human health. However, governments have proven...
Fossil fuel combustion is a major contributor to urban air pollution, which in turn can lead to negative health outcomes. While the relationship between fuel prices and consumption has been extensively...
Kosovo has gained a creditable reputation for prudent macro-fiscal management; yet necessary structural reforms and related fiscal pressures lie ahead. The country’s track record includes consistently...
This report discusses the remarks delivered by David Malpass, President of the World Bank. He discusses on: the importance of investing in human capital for a green, resilient, and inclusive recovery from...
This report discusses the remarks delivered by David Malpass, President of the World Bank. He discusses on: the importance of investing in human capital for a green, resilient, and inclusive recovery from...
This report discusses the remarks delivered by David Malpass, President of the World Bank. He discusses on: the importance of investing in human capital for a green, resilient, and inclusive recovery from...
This report discusses the remarks delivered by David Malpass, President of the World Bank. He discusses on: the importance of investing in human capital for a green, resilient, and inclusive recovery from...
This report discusses the remarks delivered by David Malpass, President of the World Bank. He discusses on: the importance of investing in human capital for a green, resilient, and inclusive recovery from...