Redevelopment of Lautoka Hospital and Ba Hospital is the first Public Private Partnership (PPP) to be implemented in Fiji. These upgrades represent a major milestone towards the Government of Fiji’s (GoF)...
Hospitals have faced diverse and serious challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic. This policy note attempts to provide a review of hospital experiences and response during this period, together with lessons...
The development objective of Second Additional Financing for the Sint Maarten Hospital Resiliency and Preparedness Project is to improve the preparedness and capacity of hospital services in Sint Maarten...
Costa Rica was one of the first countries in the Latin America and Caribbean region to choose the World Bank Program for Results (PforR) financing instrument to support the implementation of the Strategic...
Costa Rica fue uno de los primeros países en la región de América Latina y el Caribe en elegir el instrumento de financiamiento Programa para Resultados (PforR) del Banco Mundial para respaldar la implementación...
Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions (ACSCs)—conditions for which hospitalization could be prevented or reduced with timely access to effective preventive and early disease management services in primary...
This report analyses inpatient care in Belarus Hospitals with 2019 data.
This study presents a comparative analysis of inpatient care data from six countries (Ukraine, Moldova, Romania, Croatia, Estonia, and the Republic of Korea). It uses diagnosis related groups (DRGs) as...
The hospital budgets are determined by the hospital and the health insurance companies jointly agreeing on the forecasted number of services provided by a hospital for the (theoretically) following year...
Haiti has the highest maternal and neo-natal mortality rates in the Latin America and Caribbean region. Based on current trends, Haiti is unlikely to meet the United Nations' sustainable development goals...
Haiti has the highest maternal and neo-natal mortality rates in the Latin America and Caribbean region. Based on current trends, Haiti is unlikely to meet the United Nations' sustainable development goals...
The ‘Serving People, Improving Health’ Project seeks to improve the quality of health services in selected Oblasts, with special focus on primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular diseases and...
Since 2009 the Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) in Lebanon has been going through a major reforminitiative to improve its contracting system with private and public hospitals. The private sector is the...
The System Enhancement for Health Action in Transition (SEHAT) Program, under the Ministry of Public Health, supports the provision and improvement of a basic package of health services and an essential...
With a population of 65 million, the state of Karnataka in the south of India is considered among the better-off states in the country. However, there are significant socio-economic disparities, with large...