This review was conducted using secondary data combined with key informant interviews aiming to (1) understand the current state of telemedicine services in Viet Nam, their business models and challenges;...
This report discusses the importance of pharmacovigilance (PV) in contributing to building up resilient health systems. It is based on and summarizes the findings of a review of available literature on...
Medicines, vaccines, medical devices, and blood are commonly used to treat disease. Medicines deserve a special focus because almost any medical visit ends with at least one prescription. So, monitoring...
This World Bank in India newsletter for the month of June 2023 includes the following sub-headings: Drones deliver medicines in Meghalaya; women’s mobility must be a key focus in urban policy; new projects;...
The African Medicines Regulatory Harmonization (AMRH) initiative, a multistakeholder partnership, focuses on improving fragmented regulatory systems in the region to ensure faster access to safe, efficacious...
In January 2019, the Belarusian Ministry of Economy, the European Union (EU), and the World Bank launched the EU-Belarus Private Sector Development Program to support the government’s efforts to foster...
The report aims to provide information about the current EMR regulations in Romania, relevant standards, and their appropriate implementation and to identify gaps and limitations. It documents the evidence...
The assessment of the EMR system across the different EMR centers in Romania shows that: (i) the regulation in force is not properly implemented due to insufficient or inappropriate mechanisms, and (i)...
On November 29th, 2007, the Board of the Roll Back Malaria Partnership (RBM) today gave the go ahead for the further development of an Affordable Medicines Facility for malaria (AMFm) - a ground breaking...