Ratings of National Strategy for the Development of Statistics (NSDS) Implementation Support Project (ISP) for Bangladesh were as follows: outcome was satisfactory, Bank performance was satisfactory, and...
This technical note summarizes changes to how the Poverty and Inequality Platform (PIP) lines up survey-based estimates of poverty to a common reference year. The prior line-up method assumed that welfare...
Extensive transformations of urban areas in rapidly urbanizing developing countries can be a powerful vehicle for advancing low-carbon urban growth that supports global decarbonization goals. The scale...
Biodiversity and ecosystems are deteriorating at rapid rates. Finance could help to resolve this problem, but finance for nature is still modest and mostly restricted to public expenditures. To slow, and...
The main objective of the Reimbursable Advisory Services (RAS) is to assist Romanian authorities in strengthening institutional capacity and implementing reform activities in the area of public procurement...
The story of Romania's economy is winding and complex. With the fall of communism, Romania undertook a winding transition to a market economy, with much of the 1990s marked by economic decline and restructuring...
Analysis of the main national macroeconomic indicators the story of Romania's economy is winding and complex. With the fall of communism, Romania undertook a winding transition to a market economy, with...
The story of Romania's economy is winding and complex. With the fall of communism, Romania undertook a winding transition to a market economy, with much of the 1990s marked by economic decline and restructuring...
Ratings of Enhancing Quality of Financial Reporting Project for Albania were as follows: outcome was satisfactory, Bank performance was satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation quality was High. Some...