The current multi-faceted crisis in Lebanon has affected all aspects of life, with a large part of the population now living in poverty. The health sector has been heavily affected by these developments...
Building capacity in countries to conduct thorough surveillance of the use of all newly authorized drugs and vaccines, both brand name and generic, is a critical “public good” investment to ensure that...
The Spanish System of Pharmacovigilance (SSPV) started its activities almost 40 years ago, in 1985. Of particular interest to others considering various options for developing pharmacovigilance systems...
Although indispensable for improving health outcomes, medicines and vaccines or their administration and use can produce adverse effects, requiring continuous vigilance to ensure that the benefits outweigh...
This report reviews the pharmacovigilance system of the European Union (EU) mapping out its structure and processes with any eye to features that may be of particular interest to decision makers in other...
Only 2.2 percent of Liberia's total annual public health spending is spent on essential medicines and medical commodities. This has been one of the main reasons for frequent stockouts of essential medicines...
Tanzania has developed an industrialization policy to attain a middle-income economy through its National Five-year Development Plan (2021-22-2025-26). The Development Plan prioritizes innovation to enhance...
В Республике Беларусь имеется ряд естественно сформированных кластеров, играющих важную роль в развитии экономики страны. Эти кластеры не являются формальными структурами, а представляют собой группы взаимосвязанных...
In January 2019, the Belarusian Ministry of Economy, the European Union (EU), and the World Bank launched the EU-Belarus Private Sector Development Program to support the government’s efforts to foster...
Several natural clusters have been important for Belarus’ development. These clusters are not formal entities. Instead, they are groups of interrelated companies, organizations, and service providers—linked...
A closer look at the health financing situation reveals some trends that can be a cause for concern if not addressed in due time, for example, while significant funds flow into curative care, not much...
The government has invited the Union of Medical, Pharmaceutical, Scientific and Education Organizations (Medicine and Pharmaceutics—Innovative Projects) in Vitebsk to take part in this project. This cluster...
Правительство предложило ИПК «Союз медицинских, фармацевтических и научно-образовательных организаций «Медицина и фармацевтика — инновационные проекты» в Витебске принять участие в данном проекте. Деятельность...
This publication, which is based on the unique methodology and tools developed for the World Bank Institute/Harvard School of Public Health Flagship Course on Health System Reform and Sustainable Financing...
This book discusses the wide range of challenges faced by policy makers in the pharmaceutical sector, presents the current know-how in terms of policy measures, and provides specific examples of policy...