Ratings of Private-Sector-Led and More Sustainable Economic Recovery Development Policy Financing Project for Kazakhstan were as follows: overall outcome was satisfactory, relevance of prior actions was...
Development programs and policies are typically designed to change outcomes such as raising incomes, improving learning, or reducing illness. Whether or not these changes are actually achieved is a crucial...
Financial development can enhance economic well-being and foster resilience in fragile settings, potentially contributing to escaping from fragility once “pivotal conditions” are in place. However, fragile...
Este informe final presenta información relevante y un resumen de las actividades realizadas y los resultados obtenidos en el marco del proyecto de servicios de asesoría y análisis del Banco Mundial. Este...
Ratings for the First and Second Programmatic Securing Human Investments to Foster Transformation Development Policy Financing (DPF) Project for Pakistan were as follows: overall outcome and achievement...
Ratings for the First, Second, and Third Inclusive and Sustainable Growth Development Policy Loans (DPL) for Ecuador were as follows: overall outcome, relevance of prior actions, and achievement of objectives...
Ratings for the Reengagement and Reform Development Policy Financing (DPF) Project for Somalia were as follows: overall outcome, relevance of prior actions, and achievement of objectives (efficacy) were...
Ratings for the First, Second, and Third Multi-Structural Sectoral Reforms Development Policy Financing (DPF) Operations for Senegal were as follows: overall outcome, relevance of prior actions, and achievement...
Ratings for the Relief, Recovery, and Resilience Development Policy Financing (DPF) Project for Cambodia were as follows: overall outcome, relevance of prior actions, and achievement of objectives (efficacy)...
Ratings for the Disaster Risk Management Development Policy Financing (DPF) with Cat Deferred Drawdown Option (DDO) Project for Malawi were as follows: overall outcome and achievement of objectives (efficacy)...
Ratings for the First and Second Economic Recovery and Resilience Development Policy Financing Project for Chad were as follows: overall outcome and achievement of objectives (efficacy) were moderately...
The development objective of the Sustainable Growth and Finance Development Policy Financing (DPF) Deferred Drawdown Option for Peru is to support government reforms to: (i) strengthen fiscal resilience...
The development objective of the First Resilient Growth and Capital-Building Development Policy Financing (DPF) for Niger is to: (1) strengthen the institutional framework for economic and social resilience...
The 19th Replenishment of the International Development Association (IDA19) was delivered at a time when the world’s poorest countries were experiencing unprecedented overlapping crises. The outbreak of...
The development objective of Social Protection Transformation Project for Rwanda is to strengthen the social protection programs and delivery systems and to improve access of poor and vulnerable households...
La présente note évalue la dynamique de la concurrence et les obstacles potentiels dans le secteur financier de l'UEMOA afin de fournir des recommandations de politique réalisables. Cette analyse a été...
Sostenida por el consumo y con el empleo dominado por sectores de baja productividad y exportaciones impulsadas por recursos naturales, la economía de Colombia creció a una tasa anual de 3,8% entre 2000...