This report aims to produce a systematic account of the displacement experiences of IDPs in Myanmar and spotlight the unique demographic and socio-economic characteristics of this population. The report...
Through grant financing, the World Bank is helping Bangladesh provide basic services and build disaster and social resilience for nearly a million displaced Rohingya people who fled from violence in Myanmar...
Bangladesh has shown great generosity by providing shelter to around 1.1 million Displaced Rohingya People (DRP) in Cox’s Bazar district. This has placed immense strain on existing infrastructure and social...
The development objective of Regional Policy Dialogue and Knowledge Exchange on Development Responses to Forced Displacement in the Horn of Africa is to strengthen harmonized policy and operational responses...
La migración reciente en Chile constituye un aporte al sistema de protección social del país, tanto a través de su contribución a la fuerza laboral como por las cotizaciones previsionales realizadas...
Si bien los niveles de participación laboral, empleo y trabajo asalariado de las personas migrantes y refugiadas en Chile son altos en comparación a los de la población chilena, se evidencia un problema...
Esta nota aborda las actitudes hacia la inmigración en Chile y las experiencias de la población migrante, así como la evidencia vinculada a las creencias sobre los efectos de la migración en el mercado...
This Policy brief investigates possible solutions for internally displaced persons in Ethiopia after the 2017 drought, with a specific emphasis on local integration initiatives that support people’s livelihoods...
This report makes several contributions to the literature on the welfare of FDPs and their hosts. On the data front, the harmonized database compiled for this report represents a large and unique source...
The development objective of the Second Phase of the Informal Settlements Improvement Project for Kenya is to enhance access to basic services and tenure security of residents in participating urban informal...
This paper aims to answer two important questions: how traditional CDD livelihood projects can adjust or adopt practices to strengthen women’s economic empowerment outcomes, and how government and other...
This note contains a summary of all the activities that were completed under Big Questions in Health and Forced Displacement dissemination ASA, as well as the final documents edited, proofread, and design...
Multiple estimates exist of global monetary and multidimensional poverty, but populations at risk of social exclusion still lack a worldwide estimate. This paper fills this gap by estimating the share...
The development objective of SPF:Dominican Republic Multisectoral Response to Migratory Flows Project is to improve the recipient´s capacities to inform policy dialogue towards a multi-sectoral and inclusive...
Colombia prioritized education inclusion for Venezuelan migrant and refugee children by facilitating access to the country’s educational institutions irrespective of their nationality or migration status...
To address key knowledge gaps related to compound risk, this report documents findings from a retrospective analysis of two compound crises in the Horn of Africa.
The development objective of State and Peacebuilding Fund (SPF) : Improved Livelihoods for Internally Displaced Persons in Azerbaijan Project is to enhance civic engagement, technical skills and opportunities...
The need for jobs support in economies affected by forced displacement and conflict is high, with forced displacement at its highest level since the Second World War and poverty expected to be increasingly...
The need for jobs support in economies affected by forced displacement and conflict is high, with forced displacement at its highest level since the Second World War and poverty expected to be increasingly...