Residential buildings make up a significant proportion of total buildings in Jordan and is the fastest growing subset. The sector dominates electricity use, accounting for 46 percent of total electricity...
Together with Ilfov County, Bucharest City forms the Bucharest-Ilfov Development Region, one of the most developed regions at European Union level in terms of the GDP/capita ratio. Even though they are...
Împreună cu județul Ilfov, Municipiul București formează Regiunea de Dezvoltare București-Ilfov, una dintre cele mai dezvoltate regiuni la nivelul Uniunii Europene din punct de vedere al raportului PIB/locuitor...
Serbia has adopted extensive reform in its energy sector over the past two decades as part of a transition toward more competitive, market-based principles. Serbian policymakers now widely acknowledge...
Serbia faces the challenge of reducing its high energy and carbon intensity levels to comply with national reduction targets. The Government of Serbia (GoS) has adopted the Law on Efficient Use of Energy...
The World Bank conducted a Heating Assessment for the Urban Building Sector in the Kyrgyz Republic. The objective of the Assessment was to identify viable heating options and related investment measures...
The World Bank conducted a Heating Assessment for the Urban Building Sector in the Kyrgyz Republic. The objective of the Assessment was to identify viable heating options and related investment measures...
This case study, which describes the residential Lithuanian energy efficiency (EE) program and lessons learned, was prepared in support of the Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP)-funded...
Despite demonstrating significant economic growth in the last decade, Albania remains one of the poorest nations in Europe. Along with other factors, the country’s development is constrained by an insecure...
In 2010 IFC launched Russia Residential Energy Efficiency Project, which works through Russian banks to finance the energy efficient modernization in the housing sector. The project aims to stimulate investment...
Making existing buildings more energy efficient is one solution to Moldova’s energy issues that its government has been working on with support from the World Bank and the government of Sweden. The Energy...
Making existing buildings more energy efficient is one solution to Moldova’s energy issues that its government has been working on with support from the World Bank and the government of Sweden. The Energy...
The financial crisis may be slowly receding, but it has left in its wake a dearth of viable investment opportunities in Ukraine. Opportunities for lending to the corporate sector are also limited as banks...
A poverty and social impact analysis (PSIA) designed for Romania evaluated options for replacing the European nation’s heating subsidies with a more well-targeted system of benefits. The study explored...
The Energy Efficiency/Housing Pilot Project is a pilot and demonstration effort that aims to: (1) support and enable private initiative to improve residential energy efficiency; (2) support public initiative...
At the request of the Nigerian Government, the World Bank will establish a Resident Mission in Lagos effective April 1, 1970.