The development objective of Innovation for Rural Competitiveness Project for Honduras are : (i) to contribute to market access, adoption of climate-smart approaches, and job creation in support of project...
This report summarizes the findings from a series of research activities undertaken as part of the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office’s Payment-by-Results (PbR) program supporting the Tanzania...
Ratings for the Sustainable Livelihoods Project are as follows: Outcome was satisfactory, Overall efficacy was substantial, Bank performance was satisfactory, and Quality of M&E was modest. Ratings for...
This Rural Income Diagnostic (RID) aims to answer the question: “What are the main opportunities and constraints to faster, sustained income growth for poor and vulnerable households in rural Bangladesh?”...
Ratings for Expanding Rural Finance Project for Mexico were as follows: overall outcomes were highly satisfactory, bank performance was highly satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation quality was substantial...
The development objective of Expanding Rural Finance Project for Latin America and Caribbean is to expand the availability of finance to the rural economy. This restructuring requires the following changes:...