Wide Open School is a web platform coordinated by a not-for-profit private organization, Common Sense Media, which curates and makes available online educational resources provided by a partnership of...
In 2010, the Nigeria national bureau of statistics implemented the general household survey (GHS), which included a panel component focusing on agriculture and household welfare. The GHS-panel survey was...
This paper investigates whether the prospect of redistribution hinders the formation of efficiency-enhancing groups. An experiment is conducted in a Kenyan slum, Ugandan villages, and a UK university town...
How does a large unconditional increase in salary affect the performance of incumbent employees in the public sector? This paper presents experimental evidence on this question in the context of a policy...
The purpose of this policy note is to assess the current status of school-based management in elementary and high schools in the Philippines. The findings reported in the note are based on a comprehensive...
Teachers, as the primary education service delivery agents, play a lead role in what, how, and how much student’s learn, including among disadvantaged populations. Yet, often governments’ education reform...
Teachers, as the primary education service delivery agents, play a lead role in what, how, and how much student’s learn, including among disadvantaged populations. Yet, often governments’ education reform...
During the elaboration of the education strategy, the Bank's education sector set out to gauge the views of a wide array of external stakeholders and actors working in education, in order to inform the...
It is estimated that there are currently around 122,000 teachers in sub-Saharan Africa who are living with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), the vast majority of whom have not sought testing and do not...
This press release announces that the Board of Directors of the World Bank has approved ten million US dollars grant to support Guinea’s education program as it seeks to embark on far reaching reform to...
The Education Reform Project for Bolivia had the following ratings: the outcome was unsatisfactory, the sustainability was highly likely, the institutional development impact was high, and the Bank and...