Until the beginning of this century, the GATT/WTO system worked. Economic research provided a compelling explanation. It showed that if governments maximize the well-being of their own countries broadly...
The three major players in the global economy, the United States, the European Union, and China, have been designing climate mitigation policies that will help reduce their carbon emissions but will also...
Addressing climate change requires the deployment of green technologies. Using novel transaction-level import data from firms in 35 emerging markets in a firm-level structural gravity model, this paper...
This report reviews Europe’s experience in spearheading CE policy. Its aim is not only to highlight its features and accomplishments, but also identify existing barriers to future progress and key measures...
This paper studies the factors affecting governments’ mixed use of tariffs and non-tariff measures (NTMs) as trade and industrial policies. Results based on detailed bilateral-product-level ad valorem...
Addressing climate change requires the deployment of green technologies. Using novel transaction-level import data from 35 emerging markets in a firm-level structural gravity model, this paper examines...
This paper examines the overall impact of exports while accounting for supply chain linkages on local labor market outcomes in the Arab Republic of Egypt between 2007 and 2018. The paper assesses the effects...
Quality regulation has become the dominant instrument of trade policy. Panel evidence shows that regulations classified as sanitary and phytosanitary measures and technical barriers to trade both increase...
The Indonesian government implemented comprehensive investment reforms in 2021 to encourage investment inflows and related positive impacts. Compared to the previous investment regulation in 2016, the...
Countries with greater commodity export intensity have more concentrated markets for imported goods. Import market concentration is associated with higher domestic prices, suggesting that markups due to...
Modern regional trade agreements focus on promoting bilateral exchange mostly by lowering non-tariff barriers to trade. But do existing regional trade agreements actually deliver what they promise? This...
As import tariffs have been declining over the past decades, non-tariff measures (NTMs) have become the most frequently used measures in trade policy. The increasing use of NTMs in global trade has highlighted...
This paper studies the effect of regional trade agreements on firms’ exports. Using detailed information on the content of trade agreements and firm-level exports for 31 developing countries between 2000...
This paper uses data on the near universe of job adverts posted online in the US to study the impact of the 2018 trade war on US job opportunities. It develops measures of labor market exposure to three...
During the COVID-19 pandemic, many countries used export and import policy as a tool to expand the availability of scarce critical medical products in the domestic market (scarcity nationalism). This paper...
This paper quantifies the trade creation effects of South Asia’s trade agreements within the region and with the rest of the world. The paper uses an extensive database of bilateral trade covering the...
Abstract 1 change
The empirical evidence on the impact of import competition on economic performance relies mainly on import tariff liberalization as the source of changes to competition. This paper extends this evidence...