В 1997 году тысячи людей собрались в Марракеше (Марокко) на первый Всемирный водный форум, чтобы обсудить насущную проблему: глобальный водный кризис. По итогам встречи была принята Марракешская декларация...
The development objective of Greater Accra Metropolitan Area Sanitation and Water Project to increase access to improved sanitation and improved water supply in the Greater Accra Metropolitan Area (GAMA)...
The development objective of Water Supply and Sanitation Acceleration Project for Cambodia is to increase access to safely managed water supply and sanitation services in selected areas, strengthen institutions...
In Addis Ababa, an increasing block tariff has been used to calculate households' monthly bills for electricity and water services. This study estimates the magnitudes of the combined water and electricity...
There has been no hard empirical evidence to confirm or reject the hypothesis that water subsidies may be failing to reach the poor. This paper summarizes the results of some new survey-based research...
Analysis of two water subsidy schemes a means tested subsidy in Chile and a geographically targeted subsidy in Colombia shows that the means-tested system is better able to identify poor households than...
In Chile, many social programs are targeted using the ficha CAS, a two page household questionnaire administered by social workers. A household's score on the ficha CAS determines the household's eligibility...
These participants' notes are meant to provide a global picture of the situation in water supply and sanitation, and introduce the various problems and issues surrounding water supply and sanitation programs...