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Montenegro - Achieving Sustainable and Inclusive Growth Amidst High Volatility Project : systematic country diagnostic : Crna Gora Sistematska dijagnosticka procjena : Ostvarenje održivog i inkluzivnog rasta u okruženju izražene volatilnosti (Bósnio)

This Systematic County Diagnostics is organized into six parts. The first part presents a brief overview of the country’s recent socio-political and economic context. The second part examines the links between poverty, income distribution and economic growth, through the labor market, against the background of large changes in international capital flows and the unfinished structural reform agenda. The third part, examines the sustainability and vulnerability...
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  • 2016/03/30

  • Systematic Country Diagnostic

  • 105019

  • 1

  • 1

  • Montenegro,

  • Europa e Ásia Central,

  • 2016/09/29

  • Disclosed

  • Crna Gora Sistematska dijagnosticka procjena : Ostvarenje održivog i inkluzivnog rasta u okruženju izražene volatilnosti

  • information and communication technology



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