At the current rate of ambition, the world will fall short of achieving sustainable development goal 7 (SDG 7) by 2030. Slow progress toward access to clean cooking solutions has significant negative impacts...
Provision of clean cooking for all is recognized as a critical cross-sectoral development issue. The potential societal benefits are enormous, particularly for public health, women’s productivity and empowerment...
At the current rate of ambition, the world will fall short of achieving sustainable development goal 7 (SDG 7) by 2030. Slow progress toward access to clean cooking solutions has significant negative impacts...
Chronic underheating is commonplace among poor households in cold-climate regions of developing countries beyond the reach of district heating and gas-distribution networks. Until fuel switching is possible...
In cold-climate regions of developing countries, access to a reliable and affordable heat supply is critical to the well-being of the rural and peri-urban poor, who enjoy only limited access to district...
In cold-climate regions of developing countries, access to a reliable and affordable heat supply is critical to the well-being of the rural and peri-urban poor, who enjoy only limited access to district...
Access to clean cooking solutions remains one of the most daunting development challenges. Based on the latest Global Tracking Framework, the annual access growth rate of 0.46 percentage points did not...
Getting to Gender Equality in Electricity Infrastructure: Lessons from Electricity Generation, Transmission, and Distribution Projects examines the social and gender footprint of large-scale electricity...
Early Lessons from the East Asia and Pacific Clean Stove Initiative Initial lessons from the East Asia and Pacific (EAP) Clean Stove Initiative (CSI) confirm the need for country-specific roadmaps, strong...
Past market failures to deliver clean cooking and heating solutions, especially to low-income households, suggest the continued need for subsidies if universal access is to be achieved. To succeed, however...
Bangladesh is one of the most climate vulnerable countries in the world. Situated in the delta of the Ganges, Brahmaputra, and Meghna (GBM) rivers, the country is exposed to a range of river and rainwater...