To identify transactions at risk of tariff evasion, this paper matches export transaction data from France with import transaction data from Madagascar using container identifiers. Reporting discrepancies...
Quality regulation has become the dominant instrument of trade policy. Panel evidence shows that regulations classified as sanitary and phytosanitary measures and technical barriers to trade both increase...
This paper estimates worker, firm and assistance programs’ responses to foreign shocks in Brazil exploiting quasi-experimental variation in firms’ foreign demand resulting from the Global Financial Crisis...
A 2021-22 survey of trade promotion organizations conducted by the World Bank to understand how the COVID-19 pandemic affected their functioning suggests four main findings. First, trade promotion organizations...
This paper analyzes the initial impact and recovery of globally engaged firms from the COVID-19 crisis. It uses rich survey data of nearly 65,000 firm-year observations in 45 countries spanning three waves...
This paper examines which product supply-side characteristics affect the resilience of traded products to the COVID-19 pandemic. Relying on monthly product-level exports by all countries to the United...
This paper presents a new methodology to detect corruption in customs and applies it to Madagascar’s main port. Manipulation of assignment of import declarations to inspectors is identified by measuring...
The past decades have witnessed big changes in international trade with the rise of global value chains (GVCs). Some countries, such as China, Poland, and Vietnam rode the tide, while other countries...
This book brings together recent research on the economics of Deep Trade Agreements (DTAs). What are the determinants of DTAs? How do they affect trade and non-trade outcomes? Are these effects different...
This paper estimates the impacts of regulating the use of sanitary and phytosanitary and technical barriers to trade measures through preferential trade agreements on exports of firms in Chile, Colombia...
Higher integration in international trade and global value chains (GVCs) has been linked to increased economic growth globally. Combining a macro- with a micro-level perspective, this paper shows that...
This paper studies foreign direct investment spillovers on the gender-related labor market practices of domestic firms, based on a unique firm-to-firm data set of Bangladesh's textiles and garment sectors...
This paper presents a new methodology to detect collusion in customs and applies it to Madagascar’s main port. Manipulation of assignment of import declarations to inspectors is identified by detecting...
This paper examines how providing better information to customs inspectors and monitoring their actions affects tax revenue and fraud detection in Madagascar. First, an instrumental variables strategy...
The past decades witnessed big changes in international trade with the rise of global value chains. Some countries, such as China, Poland, and Vietnam, rode the tide, while other countries, many in the...
Does “infant industry” preferential access durably boost exports? Using country-product-year data for 1992–2017 and triple-differences regressions, we show that the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA)...
The authors contribute to the technology, skills and jobs debate by exploiting a novel dataset for Chilean firms between 2007 and 2013, with information on the firms’ adoption of complex software used...
Is the variation in bilateral trade flows across countries primarily due to differences in the number of exporting firms (the extensive margin) or in the average size of an exporter (the intensive margin)?...
The results of an impact evaluation of the introduction of a risk-based approach to sampling import shipments by the Macedonian Food and Veterinary Agency indicate that the sampling plan was not effectively...
This paper uses the dramatic expansion of access to the Internet in China to analyze the impact of the Internet on firm performance. The paper combines firm-level production data with province-level information...