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  • Enhancing power sector resilience : emerging practices to manage weather and geological risks (Inglês)

    Over the past twenty years, natural disasters have become more frequent, and the costs of associated damages and losses are rising. In 2012 alone, the 357 natural disasters recorded worldwide resulted...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Documento do Programa de Assistência à Gestão do Setor de Energia (ESMAP) No. do relatório: 113894 Data do documento: 1 de junho de 2016 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: Wang,Xiaoping,Brown,Ray,Prudent-Richard,Guillaume,O’Mara,Katrina

  • Energizing Myanmar : enhancing access to sustainable energy for all (Birmanês)

    Myanmar has the opportunity to significantly enhance energy access, starting from a situation where energy consumption per capita is among the lowest in the world. Two-thirds of the population is not connected...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Documento de Trabalho No. do relatório: 103332 Data do documento: 27 de fevereiro de 2016 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: Ostojic,Dejan,Chavapricha,Rome,Wang,Xiaoping,Lee,Alan David,Myint,Myoe

  • Energizing Myanmar : enhancing access to sustainable energy for all (Inglês)

    Myanmar has the opportunity to significantly enhance energy access, starting from a situation where energy consumption per capita is among the lowest in the world. Two-thirds of the population is not connected...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Documento de Trabalho No. do relatório: 103332 Data do documento: 1 de fevereiro de 2016 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: Ostojic,Dejan,Chavapricha,Rome,Wang,Xiaoping,Lee,Alan David,Myint,Myoe

  • What have we learned about household biomass cooking in Central America? (Inglês)

    Twenty million people in Central America cook with biomass using open fires or rudimentary stoves. The number of people using biomass for cooking in the region will remain significant for a long time due...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Estudo sobre energia No. do relatório: 76222 Data do documento: 1 de janeiro de 2013 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: Wang,Xiaoping,Franco Salazar,Janina Andrea,Masera, Omar R.,Troncoso Torrez,Karin Susana,Rivera, Marta X.

  • Drilling down on geothermal potential : an assessment for Central America (Inglês)

    Economic growth in Central America has increased rapidly over the past 20 years. Currently, the gross domestic product (GDP) per capita for the six Central American countries of Costa Rica, El Salvador...

    Qualquer tipo de documento: Documento do Programa de Assistência à Gestão do Setor de Energia (ESMAP) No. do relatório: 79505 Data do documento: 1 de março de 2012 Tipo de divulgação: Disclosed Autor: Wang,Xiaoping,Fragano,Frank,Gehringer,Magnus,Johnson,Todd M.,Lecaros Gomez,Fernando Antonio,Lima,Enrique,Lin,Jessica