The paper uses data from the most recent Brazilian Census to investigate how the returns to investment in education have changed during a period of rapid education expansion, and how alternative labor...
The paper presents evidence on the over-time behavior of the rate of return to investment in education in a large number of countries. The emerging pattern is one of declining returns through time, a fact...
The paper gives a summary of what is known on the contribution of education in the development process and discusses what could be done to address a number of critical issues in this area. They are: (i)...
The paper examines the relationship between education, experience and salary in Cote d'Ivoire, by means of an earnings function. The data are from a sample of the 1984 Ivorian firm-based manpower survey...
This is a practical guide addressed to the policy maker in a developing country who contemplates the introduction of a student loan scheme. The paper considers the choices available in this respect and...
Many studies of the returns to education have relied on the Mincerian specification for the earnings function. This study uses data from a random sample of adult male workers of the 1980 Brazilian census...
Using project success rather than earnings data from 115 Bank agriculture and nonagriculture projects as a criterion, this study assesses the efficiency of project-related training (PRT). This training...
This study uses data from the 1980 Brazilian Census to analyze the determinants of school participation, grade attainment and literacy among 24,000 children aged 7-14. Regional and household resources...
A key consideration in the policy debate on the appropriate role of private schools in predominantly public school systems is cost effectiveness. This paper analyzes the relative performance of public...
This paper uses data from the 1980 Brazilian census to investigate the issue on whether teachers are overpaid. Earnings standardization for human capital and other worker characterisitcs shows that primary...
This paper surveys the wide range of public policies toward private education that are found in a sample of 35 developed and developing countries. Private schools in developing countries tend to be less...
This paper examines a number of education-related aspects of Venezuela's labor market in the 1975-84 period using a sample of 40,000 workers from the National Household Survey. The findings indicate that...
During the last decade many developing countries have "diversified" their curricula at the secondary school level by introducing prevocational subjects alongside the traditional academic ones. The most...
One possible side effect of foreign debt accumulation is that affected countries may be forced to lower the share of public spending devoted to investment in physical or human capital. The paper investigates...
A prominent concern of most governments today is how to provide quality education to increasing numbers of people, when financial resources are shrinking. In the Middle East, present educational needs...
This paper employs a fixed-effects regression analysis to examine school effects on individual student learning gain during grade eight in 99 lower-secondary schools in Thailand. Schools accounted for...
These case studies were developed as teaching materials to explain simple analysis techniques for eight problems in the economics of education in developing countries. Each study is self-standing, but...
This statistical annex provides information on principal features of educational, social and economic development for 125 countries worldwide. Excluded are countries with populations of less than one million...
This paper examines the private - public division of responsibility for education across countries at different levels of economic development. The evidence suggests that in most developing countries private...
This paper examines the private - public division of responsibility for education across countries at different levels of economic development. The evidence suggests that in most developing countries private...