This paper explores the effect of road rehabilitation on violent conflict using a novel, rich dataset of road rehabilitation projects in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The country received massive external...
This note describes the effort to conduct a multidimensional rigorous impact evaluation of the Bus Rapid Transit pilot Project and the Regional Express Train in Dakar, Senegal. This note is focused on...
Governments in low-income countries are increasingly integrating off-grid electricity provision into national electrification strategies, creating novel, decentralized markets for electricity. This paper...
FY24, spanning July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024, marked the first year of implementation of the second DDP strategy cycle, DDP 2.0. The Partnership’s nascent portfolio consisted, as of June 30, 2024...
This note is designed to be read alongside the companion policy note on electronic signatures, which explains the role of PKI in implementing cryptographically secured digital signatures within a national...
This paper estimates the differentiated economic impact of natural hazard-related disasters (the specific disasters and climate shocks studied here being floods) when they occur in conflict versus non-conflict...
The design of the power market determines how the sector can address complex economic, social, environmental, and engineering challenges to deliver sustainable and reliable electricity at least cost to...
Since 2000, China has been upgrading its infrastructure, exemplified by the expansion of the high-speed railways (HSR), while simultaneously moving up the global value chains, evidenced by the rising domestic...
This report, "Water Security and Climate Change: Insights from Country Climate and Development Reports," examines the crucial role of water in addressing climate change, drawing insights from the World...
Bangladesh is warming at an alarming rate, the maximum temperature increased by 1.1°C between 1980 and 2023. At the same time, the heat index, or feels like temperature (which combines humidity and temperature...
As global efforts to build emergency-ready health systems intensify, the "Strategic Investment for Health System Resilience: A Three-Layer Framework" offers a practical investment framework and diverse...
Although deaths and economic losses due to extreme heat are rising globally, heatwaves remain a "hidden hazard" whose impacts are underrecognized due to measurement and valuation challenges. Cities in...