This Performance and Learning Review (PLR) summarizes progress in the implementation of the FY14-FY17 World Bank Group (WBG) Armenia Country Partnership Strategy (CPS), which was discussed by the Board...
This focus note highlights where and how potential benefits can be realized, recognizing there are challenges and risks. Some hold that digital data are not a full substitute for the richness of an in-person...
It is widely recognized that broadband is of fundamental importance to the social and economic development of a nation. The focus of the paper is on infrastructure-related actions; measures to stimulate...
A recent World Bank Institute (WBI) review of nearly 200 World Bank lending operations indicated that results measurement in capacity development (CD) projects is lacking in a variety of ways but that...
This focus note highlights where and how potential benefits can be realized, recognizing there are challenges and risks. Some hold that digital data are not a full substitute for the richness of an in-person...
The paper investigates determinants of civic participation in local budget processes in rural areas in the Kyrgyz Republic by using data from the Life in Kyrgyzstan survey, conducted in 2012. The analysis...
This focus note highlights where and how potential benefits can be realized, recognizing there are challenges and risks. Some hold that digital data are not a full substitute for the richness of an in-person...
Recent media reports of a perceived “skills problem” in Lao PDR have spurred an intense focus on skills development initiatives. Alarming media coverage of rising wages and complaints among firms of a...
The World Bank conducted this study of the potential for Open Transport Data in St. Petersburg as part of the preparations for the Improvement of Urban Transport Systems Project in Russia. It is principally...
The report reviews the latest data about companies using open data, and highlights four companies which did not exist ten years ago, which are driven by open data, and which are each now valued at around...
Many governments are pursuing open data policies. One of the key policy drivers has been to use open data to drive economic growth and business innovation. This paper examines the evidence for the economic...
The Government of Bulgaria (GoB) is concerned that large retail chains may be using their superior bargaining position to dictate the terms of contractual relations with their suppliers. The Government...
For the 2014-2020 programming period, the Government of Romania (GoR) is considering a new approach presented by the European Commission (EC) - community-led local development (CLLD). Through CLLD, empowered...
For the 2014-2020 programming period, the Government of Romania (GoR) is considering a new approach proposed by the European Commission (EC) - Community-Led Local Development (CLLD). CLLD comes with a...