Effective creditor and debtor rights and insolvency systems are an important element of financial system stability. The World Bank Group accordingly has been working with partner organizations to develop...
The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic posed a threat not only to the real and financial sectors of a broad range of countries but also to the workings of insolvency systems within those economies. Insolvency...
Numerous temporary legal, regulatory, and fiscal measures helped flatten the bankruptcy curve during the initial stages of the COVID-19 pandemic. These measures provided breathing space, both for debtors...
Effective creditor and debtor rights and insolvency systems are an important element of financial system stability. The World Bank Group accordingly has been working with partner organizations to develop...
Effective creditor and debtor rights and insolvency systems are an important element of financial system stability. The World Bank Group accordingly has been working with partner organizations to develop...
In modern economies, banks are typically the primary financial intermediaries and are fundamental to a stable financial system, one that is capable of efficiently allocating resources, assessing and managing...
The 2019 World Bank doing business data shows that Sub-Saharan Africa has a lower creditor recovery rate than any other region in the world. Clearly, there are many different issues related to financial...
The purpose of this book is to provide a coherent overview of the insolvency systems found around the world. Its intended audience includes academics, judges, lawyers, and policymakers. Its focus is on...
This manual has been prepared as an introduction to matters that will be addressed in the program of judicial training that will take place. It is intended to provide some assistance to judges in understanding...
Micro and small enterprise (MSME) insolvency is particularly likely to impact not only the business, but also the personal and family life of the owner-operator(s) of such businesses, raising particular...
A Toolkit for Out-of-Court Workouts was created to achieve two objectives: (1) to provide policy makers with tools to develop a corporate restructuring framework and culture in their country; and (2) to...
A Toolkit for Out-of-Court Workouts was created to achieve two objectives: (1) to provide policy makers with tools to develop a corporate restructuring framework and culture in their country; and (2) to...
This is a review of the literature on the impact of insolvency and creditor rights regimes on the incidence/occurrence and management/resolution of non-performing loans (NPLs) in banks. The focus is on...
The Mid-Term Review (MTR) evaluates the World Bank Group's (WBG) Vietnam Debt Resolution Program (Vietnam DR) activities and results from September 17, 2013 to June 30, 2016. The objective of the Vietnam...
The World Bank Group assessed the insolvency and creditor/debtor regimes (‘ICR’) of Bulgaria pursuant to the joint IMF/World Bank initiative on the observance of standards and codes (‘ROSC’). The assessment...
Effective creditor/debtor rights and insolvency systems are an important element of financial system stability. The World Bank Group accordingly has been working with partner organizations to develop principles...
The World Bank assessed the insolvency and creditor or debtor regimes (ICR) of Moldova pursuant to the joint international monetary fund (IMF) and World Bank initiative on the observance of standards and...
The willingness of banks and investors to support new businesses depends a great deal on the rules that govern failing businesses. Effective insolvency regimes save struggling firms when possible, or reallocate...
Ratings for the Business Environment Adjustment Credit Project for Bosnia and Herzegovina were as follows: outcome was moderately unsatisfactory, risk to development outcome was significant, Bank performance...