In the Gambia, very few children start school with a high level of English, and nearly all speak a variety of national languages. To support the development of a long-term plan for sustainable and efficient...
Part 1 addresses why we should care about LoI (Language of Instruction) issues and the major challenges involved. Its four sections are entitled: (i) why should we care? (ii) how big is the problem? (iii)...
Part 1 addresses why we should care about LoI (Language of Instruction) issues and the major challenges involved. Its four sections are entitled: (i) why should we care? (ii) how big is the problem? (iii)...
Part 1 addresses why we should care about LoI (Language of Instruction) issues and the major challenges involved. Its four sections are entitled: (i) why should we care? (ii) how big is the problem? (iii)...
The purpose of the present report is to identify and explore the evidence on factors that are leading to high rates of learning poverty in MENA countries. In addition, the report proposes a path for countries...
The purpose of the present report is to identify and explore the evidence on factors that are leading to high rates of learning poverty in MENA countries. In addition, the report proposes a path for countries...
This paper employs the synthetic control method to examine the impact of using a non-native language as the medium of instruction in schools on a student’s learning. Exploiting an unanticipated policy...
High quality translations are important because they hold the power to create more quality stories for children to read. This is valuable especially in languages where written stories are scarce. In South...
Early grade reading assessment (EGRA) is a simple instrument that measures foundational reading skills in grades (years) 1 to 3. The results are used to identify progress towards achieving reading fluency...
The World Bank is re-engaging in the education sector in Burundi at a time when the country has launched a major reform of its school education system, including the lengthening of the compulsory basic...
The objective of this report is to explain the relatively good performance of Burundi in the PASEC and EGRA tests. Burundi had the highest scores of all participating countries in the PASEC evaluation...
This second volume of the National Assessment of Educational Achievement series describes addresses the design of two types of data collection instruments: student achievement tests and background questionnaires...
This second volume of the National Assessment of Educational Achievement series describes addresses the design of two types of data collection instruments: student achievement tests and background questionnaires...
This note was written at the request of the Ministry of Digital Economy, Communication and Postal Service (MENCP). It aims to make Gabon into an emerging country in less than a generation. The Gabon Emergent...
This second volume of the National Assessment of Educational Achievement series describes addresses the design of two types of data collection instruments: student achievement tests and background questionnaires...
This publication, 'mother tongue as bridge language of instruction: policies and experiences in Southeast Asia,' presents a compendium of language policies, case studies, and general recommendations for...
This second volume of the National Assessment of Educational Achievement series describes addresses the design of two types of data collection instruments: student achievement tests and background questionnaires...
In international assessments (Progress in International Reading Literacy Study - Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development [PISA-OECD] and Progress in International Reading Literacy Study–International...