The Subnational public finance report is the first in a series of World Bank reports that analyze local and regional government fiscal and financial developments in Croatia. The objective of this work...
The Second Growth Foundations Development Policy Operation (DPO) supports the authorities’ efforts to (i) strengthen the economic policy framework to facilitate a structural shift towards sustainable growth...
Հայաստանն իր զարգացման ճանապարհին էական առաջընթաց է արձանագրել՝ բարելավելով ցնցումներին դիմակայելու եւ 2018 թվականին միջին եկամուտ ունեցող վերին եկամուտ ունեցող երկիր դառնալու իր կարողությունը: Հայաստանի...
Հայաստանն իր զարգացման ճանապարհին էական առաջընթաց է արձանագրել՝ բարելավելով ցնցումներին դիմակայելու եւ 2018 թվականին միջին եկամուտ ունեցող վերին եկամուտ ունեցող երկիր դառնալու իր կարողությունը: Հայաստանի...
Ratings of Assam State Public Finance Institutional Reforms Project for India were as follows: outcome was highly satisfactory, Bank performance was satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation quality...
Ratings of Public Finances and Sustainable Growth Development Policy Financing (DPF) Project for Kososvo were as follows: overall outcome was moderately satisfactory, relevance of prior actions was highly...
Les événements de ces dernières années, notamment la pandémie de COVID-19 et la polycrise qui a suivi, les conflits dans plusieurs régions du Cameroun et l'assainissement budgétaire, ont plongé le Cameroun...
Developments over the past few years, which include the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent polycrisis, conflict in several of Cameroon’s regions, and fiscal consolidation, have left Cameroon in an extremely...
This Performance and Learning Review (PLR) assesses the implementation of the World Bank Group FY20-25 Country Partnership Framework (CPF) for the United Mexican States. The CPF was discussed by the Board...
During the last decade Cambodia succeeded in achieving significant domestic resource mobilization which in turn enabled a rapid expansion of social spending. During the next decade it should shift from...
Ratings for the Integrated Public Financial Management (PFM) Reform Project for Nepal were as follows: outcome was moderately satisfactory, Bank performance was satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation...
Bulgaria has traditionally adhered to fiscal discipline and prudent fiscal policy since the introduction of its currency board arrangement in mid-1997. After a gradual decline in the 2000s, public debt...
Bulgaria has traditionally adhered to fiscal discipline and prudent fiscal policy since the introduction of its currency board arrangement in mid-1997. After a gradual decline in the 2000s, public debt...
Strengthening Public Financial Management (PFM) is a key element of the Government of Nepal’s (GoN) strategy for strengthening governance, optimizing public resource utilization, and ensuring inclusive...
This Country Partnership Framework (CPF) outlines the priorities for the World Bank Group’s (WBG) engagement with the Republic of North Macedonia for FY24-FY28. It maintains the strategic directions of...