This note examines the effective income tax rates of top earners in Honduras, using a novel approach that links personal and corporate income tax data. This comprehensive income measure, achieved through...
Kazakhstan's economy is estimated to have grown by 4.0 percent in 2024. A temporary acceleration to 4.5–5.0 percent growth is projected in 2025, supported by a one-off surge in oil production, export growth...
Tax and benefit microsimulation tools are increasingly used as an input to public policy design for governments around the world. This is part of a broader movement towards evidence-based public policy...
MauSim 2024 is used to understand the incidence of VAT and energy subsidies on poverty and inequality. This report focuses on the fiscal microsimulation tool for Mauritania, which aims to assess the distributional...
This report presents a comprehensive overview of the state of land administration in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP). It aims to provide the Government of KP (GoKP) with a diagnostic of the deficiencies, gaps...
Tax revenue collection is essential to the state’s ability to address market failures, provide goods and services such as health and education, invest in infrastructure, stabilize the economy in response...
Tax evaders exploit vulnerabilities in the tax legal framework, processes and revenue collection system. Countries need to improve their defense mechanisms to prevent, detect, and sanction tax evasion...
Governments globally are considering how to manage the transition from coal to clean energy, and how to reach net-zero emissions targets in a way that would ensure a Just Transition – a transition in which...
La mobilisation des recettes intérieures en Mauritanie est un défi majeur, limitant les dépenses sociales et les investissements en infrastructure, et entraînant une dépendance accrue à la dette publique...
Mauritania is essentially a desert country, with vast tracts of pastoral land and only 0.5% of arable land. The economy faces structural challenges, as highlighted by the slow post-pandemic recovery. The...
This paper documents that senior plant managers in less-developed countries spend more time dealing with government rules and regulations than their counterparts in richer countries. These facts are interpreted...
En octubre de 2021, se alcanzó un acuerdo internacional histórico de dos pilares entre 137 países miembros del Marco Inclusivo sobre BEPS de la OCDE/G20 para abordar el doble desafío de la globalización...
Health taxes are excise taxes that are applied to products that generate health related negative externalities and internalities, particularly tobacco, alcohol, and sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs). In...
A consumption tax reform in Brazil has been recently approved by the House of Representatives, providing a full tax exemption for the yet undefined ‘National Basic Basket’ of goods (cesta basica nacional)...
This research report, conducted in partnership between IFC and the Equator Principles Association, explores linkages and provides practical comparisons between the European Union taxonomy's "do no significant...