The development objective of the High Priority Reopening and Maintenance Project of Congo, Democratic Republic of is to re-establish lasting road access between provincial capitals, districts and territories...
The development objective of the South-West Roads : Western Europe-Western China International Transit Corridor Project for Kazakhstan is to improve transport efficiency along road sections from the border...
The development objective of the South-West Roads Project : Western Europe-Western China International Transit Corridor for Kazakhstan involves the rehabilitation, upgrading and substantial new construction...
The development objective of the Western China Road Project for Kazakhstan involves the rehabilitation, upgrading and substantial new construction of a ca. 330 km long road section which traverses a variety...
The development objective of the South-West Roads Project : Western Europe-Western China International Transit Corridor for Kazakhstan involves the rehabilitation, upgrading and substantial new construction...
The development objective of East West Highway Project for Kazakhstan involves the rehabilitation, upgrading and substantial new construction of long road section which traverses a variety of environments...
The development objective of the East-West Roads Project for Kazakhstan are to increase transport efficiency along the section of the Western Europe-Western China Road Corridor within Almaty-Korgos and...