This Country Economic Memorandum (CEM) contributes to the Government’s diversification agenda by identifying and advocating key policies and reforms to build the foundations for more diversified development...
The Republic of Congo is the third–largest crude oil producer in Sub–Saharan Africa after Nigeria and Angola and is heavily dependent on oil production and oil exports. With a population of 5.5 million...
This Country Economic Memorandum (CEM) contributes to the Government’s diversification agenda by identifying and advocating key policies and reforms to build the foundations for more diversified development...
The Republic of Congo is the third–largest crude oil producer in Sub–Saharan Africa after Nigeria and Angola and is heavily dependent on oil production and oil exports. With a population of 5.5 million...
The Central African Republic (CAR) is at a critical crossroads. Despite its significant natural resource wealth, CAR remains one of the poorest and most fragile countries in the world. Cycles of political...
The global economy is projected to grow 6 percent in 2021, stronger than had previously been expected, reflecting fiscal support in advanced economies, especially the US, and faster rollout of vaccines...
This Public Expenditure Review (PER) is designed to support the efforts of the government of Gabon (GOG) to enhance public expenditure efficiency and improve the quality of public goods and services. The...
Nigeria's emergence from recession remains slow: real GDP grew by 1.9 percent in 2018. While this was above the 0.8 percent growth of 2017, it was below the population growth rate, government projections...
The Nigerian economy remains dependent on the small oil sector (under 10 percent of GDP) for the bulk of its fiscal revenues and foreign exchange earnings. This makes Nigeria’s balance of payments and...
The Dominican Republic has enjoyed one of the strongest growth rates in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) over the past 20 years. It also experiences high growth with limited poverty reduction. The...
The Dominican Republic has enjoyed one of the strongest growth rates in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) over the past 20 years. It also experiences high growth with limited poverty reduction. The...
The report is structured in four chapters that outline the main sources of volatility in the region and suggest ways to mitigate the impacts of that volatility on growth. Chapter one presents stylized...
A large and growing literature has argued that industrialized and developing countries behave very differently in relation to their fiscal policy stances over the business cycle. In this paper, the authors...
In preparing these policy notes, the World Bank intends to provide the incoming administration with some considerations and recommendations on key development policy issues. The focus of these policy notes...
The report is structured in four chapters that outline the main sources of volatility in the region and suggest ways to mitigate the impacts of that volatility on growth. Chapter one presents stylized...
The paper investigates the relevance of the exchange rate on the reaction function of the central banks of 24 emerging market economies for the period 2000Q1 to 2015Q2. This is done by first employing...
Do countries more exposed to macroeconomic volatility grow less than more stable nations? Are profligate governments more likely to exacerbate volatility? What about the role of the financial sector; are...
This paper analyzes the business cycle characteristics of the economies of the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States using a model of a small open economy subject to interest rate and fiscal expenditure...