El Manual de Analítica Gubernamental (Government Analytics Handbook) presenta evidencia innovadora e ideas de profesionales sobre cómo aprovechar los datos para fortalecer la administración pública. Abarca...
Governments in the Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) region face significant developmental and institutional challenges, such as slowing growth, fiscal constraints, and inefficiencies in the public...
Governments in the Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) region face significant developmental and institutional challenges, such as slowing growth, fiscal constraints, and inefficiencies in the public...
Los gobiernos de la región de América Latina y el Caribe (ALC) enfrentan importantes desafíos institucionales y de desarrollo, como la desaceleración del crecimiento, las restricciones fiscales y las ineficiencias...
Os governos da região da América Latina e Caribe (LAC) enfrentam desafios significativos de desenvolvimento e institucionais, como crescimento lento, restrições fiscais e ineficiências no setor público...
This report is part of a collection examining how analytics using government microdata is revolutionizing public administration throughout the world. The collection is based on The Government Analytics...
The Global Survey of Public Servants (GSPS) is an initiative to generate survey data from public servants in government institutions around the world. The aim of the initiative is to increase the volume...
The Global Survey of Public Servants (GSPS) is an initiative to generate survey data from public servants in government institutions around the world. The aim of the initiative is to increase the volume...