Sri Lanka recognizes the crucial role of energy efficiency in advancing its development agenda, reaching carbon neutrality by 2050, and fostering a sustainable energy transition. Energy efficiency has...
Electrification is one of the main ways to decarbonize the transport sector in Morocco, and e-mobility uptake could present opportunities to increase renewable energy-based electricity consumption. This...
Egypt is on a path toward greener, more resilient, and inclusive development, with high expectations for the electrification of transport, known as “electric mobility” (e-mobility), to play an important...
The electrification of transport is one of the most promising and readily deployable solutions to speed up decarbonization and energy transition. This summary captures key findings from the full report...
This report analyzes the impact of MAC systems on the energy demand and associated GHG emissions derived from the electrification of buses and taxis in selected cities of Egypt, Jordan, and Morocco. The...
Globally, the transportation sector is among the largest emitters of greenhouse gases (GHGs), and the electrification of the transportation sector is, therefore, a critical pillar of carbon emissions reduction...
This report presents: clean energy transition and jobs creation; project overview: the activities on clean energy and jobs; contextualizing Morocco; the model on Morocco: clean energy employment assessment...