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  • How can we make schools work better? (English)

    How can we make schools work better? It is a question being asked around the world. Getting children to school is only the first step. From then on, there's a host of factors that can decide whether children...

    Document Type: Brief Report No.: 67200 Document Date: February 1, 2012 Disclosure Status: Disclosed Author: Marcus, Aliza [editor],Pradhan,Menno Prasad,Suryadarma,Daniel C. J.,Beatty,Amanda,Wong,Maisy,Alishjabana, Armida,Gaduh,Arya Budhiastra,Artha,Rima Prama

  • How can we make schools work better? : Como podemos mejorar el funcionamiento de las escuelas? (Spanish)

    How can we make schools work better? It is a question being asked around the world. Getting children to school is only the first step. From then on, there's a host of factors that can decide whether children...

    Document Type: Brief Report No.: 67200 Document Date: December 1, 2011 Disclosure Status: Disclosed Author: Marcus, Aliza [editor],Pradhan,Menno Prasad,Suryadarma,Daniel C. J.,Beatty,Amanda,Wong,Maisy,Alishjabana, Armida,Gaduh,Arya Budhiastra,Artha,Rima Prama