This paper reviews the uses and sources of IDA resources during fiscal year 2005 (FY05). The report examines overall trends in commitments, regional and sectoral distribution, and grant commitments. Disbursements...
Over the last year, significant progress has been made in filling the gaps in coverage of core Economic and Sector Work (ESW) in IDA countries; coverage of the full complement of core ESW reports has risen...
This note pulls together extracts from statements prepared for the April 2001 meeting of the Development Committee relating to the paper entitled "Assistance to Post-Conflict Countries and the HIPC Framework"...
The basic approach set out below focuses the use of grants in IDA on sources of special vulnerability -- conflict, HIV/AIDS, and debt -- each of which particularly constrains the development possibilities...
This note attempts to summarize the issues that emerged at the technical meeting on performance management on April 18, 2002 and outlines an approach for Deputies' consideration at the IDA13 meeting on...
This note has recapitulated a range of issues on grants currently under discussion among donors, with estimates of financing needs updated on the basis of IDA's current projections. As noted earlier, the...
The purpose of this note is to outline the components of the development finance system and the roles and financial terms of assistance of the major providers of aid (bilateral donors, the UN, EC, regional...
This report comprises comments received from representatives of nongovernmental organizations, including: RESULTS, Canada; the Bank Information Center (USA); the American Federation of Labor and Congress...
The 'blend' category is used to classify countries that are eligible for IDA resources on the basis of per capita income but also have limited creditworthiness to borrow from IBRD. Generally, given the...
On balance management's recommendation is to maintain the current formula. IDA's eligibility cut off assures that its funds are directed to low-income countries in general. In addition, its current formula...
This note explores ways in which IDA's use of grants and increased concessionality of its lending terms could be framed. Its purpose is to seek consensus among donors in the context of the IDA13 replenishment...
The periodic replenishment of IDA's resources was considered in negotiating IDA's charter. Specific issues discussed at the time included whether the charter should prescribe replenishment and with what...
IDA Deputies have paid particular attention to the topic of private sector development over the past few IDA replenishment exercises. IDA12 consultations included a requirement that the World Bank Group...
This report looks at the International Development Association's (IDA's) impact on growth and poverty reduction and then focuses specifically on education. It estimates the impact of an expansion of IDA...
The pilot program to provide IDA guarantees to help promote private sector investment was approved by the Executive Directors in November 1997. The pilot was initially limited to US$300 million, which...
This paper presents two groups of countries where new IDA lending terms could be introduced, subject to Deputies' guidance: (i) blend borrowers with per capita income below the eligibility threshold that...
The basic objective of the International Development Association (IDA) is to help poor countries to reduce poverty by growing faster, more equitably and on a sustainable basis. IDA provides highly concessional...
There is growing consensus in the development community that the quality of a country's policies and institutions is critical for its chances to achieve economic growth and poverty reduction. Accordingly...
This paper is the outcome of a discussion process within the WBG dating back to mid-2000 culminating in a discussion with the Executive Directors of the World Bank Group on May 23, 2001. The options presented...
In fiscal year 2000, IDA commitments totaled $165 million in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) with Bolivia and Honduras among IDA's largest borrowers. IDA credits are focused in the social sector...