The Gulf Economic Update (GEU) is the product of the Economic Policy unit for Middle East and North Africa at the World Bank Group. It provides an update on key economic developments and policies in the...
Expanding women’s employment in the private sector is imperative to increase female labor force participation in Mashreq countries. This knowledge brief identifies lessons learned from the IFC-led business...
The Gulf Economic Update (GEU) is the product of the Middle East and North Africa unit in the Macroeconomics, Trade, and Investment (MTI) Global Practice at the World Bank Group. It provides an update...
This edition of the Macro Poverty Outlooks periodical contains country-by-country forecasts and overviews for GDP, fiscal, debt and poverty indicators for the developing countries of the Middle East and...
The global economy is in its third year of deceleration amidst declining inflation and oil prices. The MENA region grew at 1.9 percent in 2023 and is forecasted to grow at 2.7 percent in 2024. And for...
MENA FCV Economic Series Brief No. 1 is the first of a new series of World Bank notes analyzing recent economic and social developments and special issues in Fragile, Conflict, and Violence (FCV) situations...
The global economy is in its third year of deceleration amidst declining inflation and oil prices. The MENA region grew at 1.9 percent in 2023 and is forecasted to grow at 2.7 percent in 2024. And for...
L'économie mondiale est dans sa troisième année de ralentissement au milieu d'une baisse de l'inflation et des prix du pétrole. La région MENA a connu une croissance de 1.9% en 2023 et les prévisions de...
How will the world’s developing cities become vibrant—capable of meeting the climate, social, and economic challenges of tomorrow? Vibrant cities offer firms and households high expectations for good returns...
How will the world’s developing cities become vibrant—capable of meeting the climate, social, and economic challenges of tomorrow? Vibrant cities offer firms and households high expectations for good...
How will the world’s developing cities become vibrant—capable of meeting the climate, social, and economic challenges of tomorrow? Vibrant cities offer firms and households high expectations for good...
The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) economies have been a bright spot in an otherwise gloomy economic landscape. Average growth in the GCC surpassed 7 percent in 2022 led by Saudi Arabia, its biggest economy...
Covid-19. The Russian invasion of Ukraine. Commodity price volatility. The rise of global inflation and interest rates. Currency depreciations among indebted middle-income economies. And now, natural disasters...
This edition of the Macro Poverty Outlooks periodical contains country-by-country forecasts and overviews for GDP, fiscal, debt and poverty indicators for the developing countries of the Middle East and...
This edition of the Macro Poverty Outlooks periodical contains country-by-country forecasts and overviews for GDP, fiscal, debt and poverty indicators for the developing countries of the Middle East and...
This policy brief presents an update on the state of domestic violence or other violence against women in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region during the COVID-19 pandemic using findings from...
This policy brief presents an update on the state of food security and the gender gap in food insecurity in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region during the COVID-19 pandemic using findings from...
The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) economies performed strongly in 2022. Amidst a year of economic uncertainty marked by inflation, geopolitical crises, and supply chain insecurity, the GCC region registered...
The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region is facing an acute lack of water for life and livelihoods. Despite significant infrastructure investments over the past decades, countries in the region are...
The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region is facing an acute lack of water for life and livelihoods. Despite significant infrastructure investments over the past decades, countries in the region are...