This paper combines district-level government spending data from Indonesia and natural disaster damage indices to analyze the extent to which districts are forced to reallocate their expenditures across...
The development objective of the Inclusive Access to Finance Project for Turkey is to improve access to longer-term finance for: (i) women-inclusive enterprises, and (ii) enterprises in less developed...
The development objective of the Ploiesti-Brasov Motorway Preparation Project for Romania is to strengthen the capabilities of Romania’s national road sector to sustainably implement and finance major...
The development objective of the Ploiesti-Brasov Motorway Preparation Project for Romania is to strengthen the capabilities of Romania’s national road sector to sustainably implement and finance major...
The World Bank is committed to ensuring the development process fully respects the dignity, economies, and cultures of indigenous peoples. The indigenous peoples’ policy is a key part of the World Bank’s...
Vulnerability significantly compounds hardship in the Pacific. More than twenty percent of people in most Pacific Island Countries (PIC) live in hardship, meaning they are unable to meet their basic food...
The World Bank Monthly Operational Summary (MOS) reports on the status of projects in the World Bank’s pipeline from the time the operation is identified to the signing of the Loan, Credit, or Grant Agreement...
The development objective of Support for the National Indigenous Peoples Development Plan Project for Panama is to strengthen: (a) the capacity of Indigenous Authorities and the Borrower to jointly plan...
The development objective of Freetown Emergency Recovery Project for Sierra Leone is to rehabilitate selected critical infrastructure and to strengthen government capacity for managing disaster risk. This...
The development objective of Local Government Support Project for Sri Lanka is to strengthen local government capabilities to deliver responsive services and enhance socioeconomic opportunities of communities...
In 2016, the Government of Nigeria—in collaboration with the World Bank (WB), the United Nations (UN), and the European Union (EU)—conducted a Recovery and Peace Building Assessment (RPBA) to gauge crisis...
Growth in global trade has been slow since 2012. While global trade downturns are not unprecedented, the observed change in the relationship of trade to GDP poses the question whether the trade slowdown...
On May 8–12, 2017, the World Bank Disaster Risk Management (DRM) Hub in Tokyo and the Resilient Transport Community of Practice (CoP) hosted a week-long Technical Knowledge Exchange (TKX) in Tokyo that...
Ratings for the First and Second Development Policy Loan Projects for Poland were as follows: outcomes were satisfactory, risk to development outcome was moderate, Bank performance was satisfactory, and...
Despite the high-level commitments made on using country systems, Somalia continues to trail other fragile states in critical dimensions, including the proportion of aid delivered “On Budget.” Given the...
The Fouta Djallon Highlands in West Africa are the source of many international rivers, which include the Senegal, Gambia, Niger, Rio Corubal, and the Great and Little Scarcies Rivers. Eight countries...
The large-scale transformation of Kazakhstan’s power sector following independence in 1991 was reflected by the country’s move toward liberalizing the market and implementing sector regulation. As an early...