This paper investigates the effect of a unique child labor ban regulation on employment and school enrollment. The ban, implemented in Mexico in 2015, increased the minimum working age from 14 to 15, introduced...
By 2023, more than 108 million people were forcibly displaced worldwide, with children under 18 constituting 45 percent. This study examines the human development gaps between forcibly displaced migrant...
This note summarizes a systematic approach developed in 2021-2023 by the Social Sustainability and Inclusion (SSI) team of the Ghana Country Management Unit (CMU) to strengthen the management of child...
Nacionalni plan za prava djece u Republici Hrvatskoj za razdoblje od 2022. do 2026. godine i pripadajući Akcijski plan za prava djece u Republici Hrvatskoj za razdoblje od 2022. do 2024. godine Vlada Republike...
The National Plan for Children’s Rights in the Republic of Croatia for the period 2022-2026, and the related Action Plan for Children Rights for the period 2022-2024, were adopted by the government of...
This brief highlights the key findings of a working paper that reviews the main findings of 113 studies produced between 1990 and 2023, focusing on the impact of migration on various child groups affected...
This paper reviews the main findings from 113 studies produced between 1990 and 2023, focusing on the impact of migration on various child groups affected through the migration path, including left-behind...
This paper proposes new estimates of child labor use in Côte d’Ivoire’s cocoa farms that are certified free of child labor. The study relies on list experiments (LE) to overcome social desirability bias...
Child workers constitute a significant share of the Myanmar labor force, which has translated into an unprotected child labor market. Given the prevalence of issues surrounding school enrollment and dropout...
Le chapitre 5 de la Stratégie d'éducation pour l'Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre présente des données sur les tendances démographiques en Afrique de l'Ouest pour contextualiser les défis de l'élargissement...
The World Bank’s South Asia Region Gender Innovation Lab has conducted an evidence review of findings on economic empowerment interventions with direct measures of child marriage (CM) in South Asia (SAR)...
Detailed spatial knowledge of service accessibility disparities is crucial to design well-targeted policies and projects to address them, both for the World Bank Group and its clients. Confronted with...
A child’s earliest years present a critical window to build human capital. Demand for expertise in early childhood development (ECD) exceeds current capacity in most countries and is steadily growing...
The objectives of the Children and Youth Protection Project of Argentina are to 1) improve the targeting and coverage of Argentina's social protection programs that provide benefits to children and youth;...