This paper analyzes the relationship between intergenerational educational mobility and long-term growth across the world using different mobility measures, comparing absolute mobility indicators with...
GDP growth remained stable in 2024 notwithstanding slower economic activity in the latter half of the year. Household consumption moderated due to the impact of high food prices and mobility disruptions...
November economic activity data suggests gradual growth, driven by strong external demand, particularly for goods exports and tourism, as well as a slight recovery in private consumption supported by fiscal...
The Lebanon Economic Monitor provides an update on key economic developments and policies over the past six months. It also presents findings from recent World Bank work on Lebanon. The Monitor places...
This Algeria Economic Update reports on the main recent economic developments and policies. It places them in a global and longer term context and assesses the implications of these developments and...
Ce rapport de suivi de la situation économique de l’Algérie rend compte des principaux développements et politiques économiques récents. Il les replace dans un contexte global et à plus long terme et...
Un secteur privé plus dynamique et une productivité accrue sont essentiels pour que le Maroc puisse réaliser ses ambitions de développement. Avant la pandémie de COVID-19, le pays avait connu deux décennies...
Gross domestic product (GDP) is widely recognized as an insufficient measure of economic progress and national success. Since GDP is nearly universally available and comparable across countries, it is...
The Nepal Development Update is produced twice a year to report on key economic developments that occurred during the year, placing them in a longer-term and global perspective. The Update is intended...
Growth accelerated to 5.1 percent in 2023 but lost steam in the first half of 2024. Low inflation and decreasing interest rates since Q12023 boosted private consumption and investment, but slower growth...
Economic growth is slowing from the strong rebound of 2023 and is estimated at 5.0 percent in 2024. Poverty remains high as the link between growth and poverty reduction has weakened. Inflation is falling...
GDP growth is expected to reach 3.1 percent in 2024, after a mild recession in 2023, which together with lower inflation is expected to drive down poverty rates to 33.1 percent in 2024. Risks include heightened...
Belize's economy bounced back from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, showing strong growth, reduced debt, a primary fiscal surplus, decelerating inflation, and low unemployment rate. However, it is...
Advances in the scale and sophistication of individual income data compiled across high-income countries have enabled researchers to measure inequality and intergenerational mobility at a highly granular...
This document collection focuses on a global development institution's efforts to promote private sector growth in developing countries. It highlights the institution's role in providing financial resources...
This report is about the intersection of two major crises of the 21st century—the sustainability crisis and the social exclusion and inequality crisis. The world is facing massive environmental degradation...
This Annual Report presents the progress and results achieved during fiscal year 2023.