Ratings for the Energy Service Improvement Project (ESIP) for Benin were as follows: outcome and Bank performance was satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation (M and E) quality was substantial. Some...
The World Bank has performed exploratory decarbonization analyses to identify policy and investment priorities to deeply decarbonize the power sector in select countries. The modeling methodology was shaped...
This paper describes power sector modeling methodologies for the World Bank’s macrostructural model — MFMod. Macrostructural models generally do not model sectors, such as the power sector, in detail...
Abstract To achieve substantial emission reductions, widespread low-carbon technology adoption is vital. The process by which new technologies are developed and adopted and how their costs evolve is critical...
This Live Wire assesses the extent of concessional financing needed to bring to zero the incremental costs of power sector decarbonization in select low- and middle income countries. Those costs are higher...
This report examines the potential of circular business models for vanadium, focusing on the leasing model for Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries (VRFB). VRFBs are posited to become increasingly significant...
The world's over 3,800 coal-fired power plants are sources of substantial emissions of toxic air pollutants. This study explores people's unequal exposure to air pollution from these coal plants. It simulates...
Wholesale electricity spot markets of different variants have been operating in most developed countries and around 20 percent of their developing counterparts. Although these markets have by and large...
The Power Secretaries Roundtable (PSRT) was launched in 2014 with the purpose to increase demand for and national ownership of regional connectivity and trade across the South Asia Region. The World Bank...
The report presents: power sector; information and communications technology (ICT) sector; roads sector; and railways sector.
Integrated planning analysis can provide evidence to support decision making and consensus building about sensitive issues in the energy sector. To support analysis, an optimization model imputes costs...
The objective of the Electric Power Project for Myanmar is to increase capacity and efficiency of gas-fired power generation, and, therefore, help reduce electricity shortages in the country. An additional...